​URUDISHA NYUMA (RECLAIM): Black Catholic Young Adult Summit

Black Catholic Young Adults from around the country involved/invested in the church trying to address where they fit in the church, why they don’t feel connected, why their peers are leaving, and what can realistically be done about it. This group would also include those campus ministers that have been working with the USCCB in their outreach to HBCUs around the country. Another targeted audience would be those young adults that attended the USCCB’s gathering of Black Catholic Young Adults about 4 summers ago with Donna Grimes.

These discussions are happening around the country in various ways. This would be an opportunity for all to gather in one space – A SAFE SPACE WHERE THIS GROUP CAN BE THEMSELVES – to discuss these issues.

Components of the Day
Prayer experiences, talks by various speakers (from the team), listening session with Bishop Cheri, Discussions to create a statement and plan of action for Black Catholic Young Adults to be shared with the wider church.

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